Paul and Tim’s latest update - Thurs 24th Sept

Dear Disciple

On Wednesday of this week the media reminded us that it is now 6 months since the UK first went into lockdown.  During this period we have taken advantage of our church building being closed to undertake some structural work as you know.  This has slightly delayed us in meeting back together again inside the building since lockdown measures were relaxed.  Instead we have been meeting virtually for worship and fellowship through the gift of technology and the dedication of some committed disciples. Whilst this has been a huge blessing to us all, it can never truly replace the joy of meeting together in-person.

While all of this has been going on, our HAT team has been meeting virtually on a weekly basis since March, and much of our recent discussion has been the planning and preparing for our eventual return to the church building for Sunday worship and various ministries “in-person”.  God willing and depending upon no changes in current government guidelines for places of worship, we are pleased to tell you that the building works are almost complete, but we have some furnishing items to attend to, and we are planning to return to our church building for Sunday worship in mid-October. Other individual ministries will also return to the building on a step by step basis.

Returning to the church building for various ministries and Sunday worship will not “just happen” without lots of work in advance to get us to that position in a relatively short period of time. Risk assessments have had to be written for every ministry, there will be necessary planning and coordination with people and of building-resources, and clear communication with the church fellowship in a timely and efficient manner.  One of the recommendations of the elders and HAT team was that we engage the services of someone for 2 days per week dedicated to owning and managing the process, returning to in-person church life safely and efficiently, all with the aim of making disciples as our clear goal. We are also adopting a new tool to help and support church life and our ministries moving forward, ChurchSuite, which we will tell you more about in the next week or two.  

Needing to move very quickly to meet our mid-October reopening deadline, we will engage the services of Alan and Kevin B to share this temporary role between them. They will both reduce their regular work by one day per week each for the foreseeable future to provide the management time needed to make all of this happen.  Between them they will be able to give the time and know-how necessary to put all of the practical measures in place for returning to the church building, as well as to test and launch ChurchSuite.

Both Alan and Kevin will be joining us at Prayer Central on Wednesday night (30th September) to share with us in more detail what these plans look like and some expectations about how the culture of church life will be as we return to the new-look church building.  Can we please encourage you to tune in next Wednesday so that you don’t miss out on some important announcements and information.  If there are brothers and sisters whom you know do not have access to virtual services at home, perhaps you could invite one of them to join you as you do so.

The writer to the Hebrews says “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching”.  The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy “recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.”  We have not given up the habit of meeting together virtually, but we “long” to know that joy of seeing one another again in person as much as government measures allow. And we are pleased that we are now quickly moving toward that day.

If you have any questions that you would like to ask, please send them to us in advance, and we can raise them with Alan and Kevin next Wednesday.

With love from your pastors and servants

Paul and Tim.