hook ladies day

9.30am - 4pm on 7th March 2020

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It was another great Hook Ladies Day, a day filled with food, fellowship, sharing and excellent Bible teaching, all themed on ‘do not be afraid’.

The Ladies Day started with a time of sharing our favourite Bible verse/song, and favourite holiday place.

Delicious food was provided all day - from the tasty pastries and coffee when we arrived, to wonderful sandwiches/prawn and potato rolls/onion bhajis/vege sticks and dips/cheese scones, and cakes and fruit for lunch.

Becky’s talk was entitled: “do not be afraid”. We read Psalm 91, Romans 8 v28-39.

How do we conquer fear?

  1. God’s Plan and God’s Presence:

    Though fear came from Adam’s sin, God’s plan is to rescue us from fear. And for us to know that God is ever present with us: Joshua 1 v9

  2. God’s Promises

    a) storms and sparrows - through our circumstances : reading Psalm 91 - God is our place of Refuge, He is bigger than any storm.

    b) giants and discouragers - fears within: Psalm 139 - God hems us in and protects us. We are His child, His choice, His handiwork. Jesus said, ‘Do not let your heart be troubled’

    c) Last Battle - spiritual fears. Fear of man - what others might think of us: think about their soul; fear of hell - keep praying for unsaved friends and family, trust our family to Him; fear of death - we need not fear, for death has been defeated: “death where is thy sting?”

    “Take my yoke upon you”, this liberates us from fear, so we can rest in the Lord.

  3. God’s Power

    How we conquer fear.

    a) Faith - fix our eyes on Jesus. Spend time in His word. ‘Perfect love drives out fear’.

    b) Trust - remember turn to Jesus; cling on when life is tough. Rejoice.

    ‘In God I trust, I will not be afraid’

    c) Rest - stop, sit and quietly rest.

  4. God’s Peace

    Jesus said - ‘my peace I leave with you’

We had great times of worship.

We prayed for one another. Louise gave her testimony - holding on in tough times

On the sofa- ‘bar stools’ with Coralie - sharing experiences of overcoming fears and difficult times.

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Some other photos from the day

A big thankyou to everyone who helped organise such a great day!