Church Manager’s update - Fri 13th Nov 2020

Dear everyone

On behalf of Alan and myself, here's a brief church managers update to keep you posted on activity going on behind the scenes.  Three weeks after reopening the church building for in-person services and ministries we are back into lockdown once again.  Whilst that is disappointing for many of us, church life continues, and we are already making plans for opening the building again once these current restrictions are over.

Here are a few things to tell you about to keep you in the loop:

1. Although the church building is closed for most activities, there are a few functions that we are able to keep running:

- Ongoing construction work continues to complete the Barnabas Room, and the next time that you are able to enter the building, it will hopefully be nearer to completion and ready to use

- The church building can still be used by support groups, and therefore we are pleased to be open for CA for their meeting each Monday

- The building is open for private prayer on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. Paul or Tim will be onsite.

- If you wish to enter the building for any other reason, please let Alan know in advance.

2. So when might we be back in the church building and what do we have lined up for December? The current lockdown is due to end on the 2nd December, but we do not know yet what that means for us thereafter.  We do want to get as many ministries re-started as possible and are working with various ministry groups to be ready when the time comes. As soon as we know more, we'll let you know.   Sunday School of Rock already have their winter concert booked on line for Saturday 5th December, and discussions are underway regarding our Christmas services.  For now however, our Sunday morning and evening services continue to be streamed online, as will Prayer Central on alternate Wednesdays.

3. Work continues getting ChurchSuite ready to roll out soon to church members. This is going to give you access to various church ministries via your phone, tablet or computer, as well as access to the church calendar, prayer fellowship diary, small group communication and pre-booking for in person services and other meetings.  More details to follow in the next couple of weeks.

So that's a quick update from us.  Although the church building is closed again, we are still here, still working on your behalf.

If you do have any questions, please let me or Alan know.  The best way to reach us is via

In the Lord's service

Kevin B