Anna's visit to Latymer Community Church

which is serving the Grenfell Tower community


There are certain things on the news that you see and feel sympathy for; but will hardly see it and experience it. I was fortunate enough to visit the Latymer Community Church in White City. This Church is right next to the Grenfell Tower. To walk past what I watched on the news in June (2017) was a very odd experience.

Closer to my own heart, as a 16-year-old who has exams, coursework and school it reminded me of the girl who had sat her Chemistry GCSE the very next day after her whole house was burnt down. It made me feel empathy and realise how many people would have had stories behind that day and how many people still have to go on and live their lives.

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This amazing church is so strong and I almost felt ashamed. They have one man leading the Service and then he would lead us in worship with his guitar and voice. The congregation is around 20 people and it is so encouraging, so lovely to see people love the Lord so much that they will worship Him in any circumstance. I really learnt a lesson in that no matter your circumstance you must always find time to worship God and present your thankfulness to Him whatever it may be.

I want us as a Church to remember Latymer Community Church in our prayers and, if you have the chance, to go and visit them: as I can honestly say you will be amazed at what you see.




“Pray for Us

We value the prayers of so many so much, and we are really aware that we are only keeping going because of the love God has poured out on us through his church in prayer. Thank you so much for your ongoing support. Please keep praying:

For those affected

Our community has many vulnerable people within it, and the fire has magnified existing issues. Please pray for those who have been bereaved, those still living in emergency or temporary accommodation, and for those who face on-going challenges in their lives which may not be directly related to the fire, such as physical and mental health and relationship issues.

For those in authority

This is a really complex and volatile situation and those in leadership in the community, Council, Tenant Management Organisation and churches need tremendous wisdom, courage and compassion to handle the volume of work in a high-pressure and emotionally charged environment.

Our Team

We are a small team, please pray for us to have energy, strength, hope, courage to make wise decisions and for unity. Please pray for our leadership team, staff workers and volunteers as we seek to serve our community whilst grieving and suffering alongside them.

A Time of Opportunity
As we continue to respond to the people and situations around us we need wisdom as we seek God for what's next. In our hurting and broken community we desperately need the healing and hope that only Jesus can bring. Please pray for encounters with Jesus.


We have been overwhelmed by people's generosity. We are so grateful to God for the support of the church with visitors, donations, prayer and finance. 

Thank you so much”