Global Vision Day 2018 — Hook Church

Global Vision Day – 31st Oct 2018


Pastor Paul Pease first spoke to us from John 3 v16: reminding us of the Good News which we are reaching out with. God’s Amazing love for the world; the Sacrificial love of Jesus; and the Saving love offered to each one of us.

We then heard from 3 organisations who reach out with the Good News of Jesus within the UK:

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Roger Pearce, from Latin Link, told us about some of the missionaries from Latin America who have come and brought that vibrancy of Latin America, as they support churches in the UK.


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Brother Silas from London City Mission (LCM) described his work bringing Christianity to people of other faiths. He encouraged us to know about other faiths, and the common ground, and the differences, so that we can engage in good discussions. He said that people of other faiths are often more prepared than we expect to discuss their beliefs.


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Mary White and Ste Burgess spoke about their work in the Grenfell Tower area. They are supported through the nationwide Eden Project, which encourages people to live within these needy communities, and to reach out through common passions eg football, and then to talk about hope through God/the Bible.

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Each of the 3 ministries also provided work for the children. Here are some of the 7-11s (Spectrum-on-Sunday) acting out a drama of a Bible story.


We also had plenty of coffee breaks, and a delicious bring-and-share lunch.

If you would like to find out any more about these ministries, do speak to Richard, or any other members of our Global Vision team.
