In the picture you will see the pile of books I am reading at present. I love to read and it is a major way I learn and grow.  Here's why I'm reading what I'm reading right now.

Systematic Theology by Louis Berkhof.  I love to read theology, and whilst the systematic kind is not my favourite, yet it is a good discipline and broadens my appreciation and wonder of the Lord.

The Gift by Eugene Petersen.  I'm reading this book with Tim Neale as it gives us precious insights into the work of a pastor.

The Works of John Owen, volume 7.  Owen is not the easiest Puritan to read but he is thorough and deep and heart-warming. Volume 7 contains his work on "Being Spiritually Minded". I'm reading it because I need to grow in this particular quality.

A Faith To Live By - Donald Macleod.  An exposition of Christian doctrine that we are reading through at our Elders' meetings.

The Unquenchable Flame by Michael Reeves. An introduction to the Reformation. I'm reading this as background study to a series I'm preparing to preach in October/November.

A Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson. An exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism by one of the most delightful Puritan writers I've come across. I'm reading this with a friend.

For the Lord
