Our church vision is simple:  Win - Build - Send.  We want to win people for Christ;  We want to build them up in Him; and we want to send them out for him.

When we send people out, we do so to three places (1) as pioneer missionaries to unreached people groups; or to engage with other missionaries in areas where the gospel has not fully penetrated yet but a work has begun;  (2) As Pastor-Teachers into the church to equip the saints for works of service; (3) we send each other to our frontline (FL) - the place where we engage with those who do not yet know the Lord. 
In reality it is the third area we send most people to most regularly.  And it takes place week after week after week - every Sunday. Each week we commission almost 200 missionaries to serve the Lord in their daily lives!
Our FL is a place of opportunity for gospel work and kingdom advance. On it we meet people who need the Lord; People who will never come into church, so we go to them in our families, schools, uni's, community, workplace, social scene.  We come across needy, broken, or spiritually hungry people on our FL and we can share the good news of Jesus with them as God gives us opportunity.
But also our FL is a place of danger. We take hits from people who do not like our message; and these can hurt. Sometimes we fail to take the opportunities the Lord gives us; and this makes us sad. We need our hurts and sadness's healed, so we to retreat behind the FL to the field hospital which is the church, so as to be healed, inspired and equipped to go back out to our FL to be ambassadors for Christ and share the love of God, being a blessing to the people we meet and mix with. We retreat into fellowship every Sunday and Wednesday - and then out we go again.
This is the great rhythm of church life! Gathering/scattering; gathering/scattering...
On your frontline you matter.  Your impact on your frontline is massive – for there you can win people for Jesus, or at the very least be salt and light to bless them.  God wants to save people, but he doesn't use angels to do it, nor does he use departed saints to do it. He uses us, living people, people with skin on, to reach to the lost.
We believe that most people will be won for Christ outside these four walls, on the missionfield that is our frontline.  These walls are not our limit.