There is a reason why God has given us the Holy Scriptures.  And it is not to make us miserable.  If we use the Scriptures aright then we can glorify God and enjoy Him in our daily lives.  We get the most out of reading the Bible when we read it with an active and inquisitive mind.  We can do this by asking the following questions of the scripture passage we are reading:

  1. What does the passage tell me about God: Father, Son, Spirit?
  2. How does this passage strengthen my faith in God?
  3. Is there a command to be obeyed?
  4. Is there a promise to be believed?
  5. Is there a good example to follow, or a bad example to avoid?
  6. How does the passage apply to my mind? Is God seeking to reconstruct or change my thinking here? Are my present convictions challenged?
  7. How does the passage apply to my behaviour? Should I stop doing something because of the passage, or start doing something?
  8. How does this passage apply to my emotions?  What does it make me feel?  How does it make me love God and people more?
  9. What can I learn about the way of salvation from this passage?
  10. What can I learn about living the Christian life from this passage?

Then turn the verses into prayer for yourself and others, and ask God to help you remember what you have read and thought.