Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child
drop off at Hook Church 9.30am – 12 midday, Sat 7th Nov.
Margaret S and her team have packed 120 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child; 30 more are arriving with her this week. However, there is still a little time for each of us to consider preparing a shoebox.
Instructions are on the website: ‘Samaritan’’ /Donate/Operation Christmas Child/Pack a shoebox (on the green strip along the top of the page):
*Choose boy/girl, and age 2-4/ 5-9/ 10-14
*Fill your wrapped box with the following:
· toys eg a cuddly toy/puzzle;
· hygiene items eg toothbrush, soap, hairbrush, flannel;
· school supplies eg pens/pencils/paper;
· other eg hat/scarf/gloves, hair accessories/wind-up torch
*You can include a note/your photo
*Online payment via the website: Samaritan’s Purse/ Operation Christmas Child/ scroll down to ‘Donate and follow a box’: Then, scroll down to get to the Online Paying instructions at the bottom of that page: £5/box, and print out a barcode and leave this in your box.
*We have the option of also giving a Bible story booklet ‘The Greatest Gift’ book which tells them the story of God’s greatest gift, His son Jesus.
You can drop your boxes off at Hook Church, Brook Road, this Saturday, 7th Nov, 9.30am – 12 midday; Alan will be there to receive them.
Next week (from Mon 9th Nov) the boxes will be taken to a central Church collection point. From there they will be distributed to disadvantaged, and grateful children around the world.
Alternatively, you can pack a shoebox online, or simply make a financial donation via the Samaritan’s purse website.
Our supporters pack shoebox gifts each year to bring joy, love and hope to children in need around the world.