small groups
We meet in Small Groups, for fellowship, Bible study and prayer.
DATE: Wednesday 27th November 2019
1. When you think about “going to heaven” are you sometimes complacent about it, or anxious? What should be our attitude towards “going to heaven”?
2. Elijah knew that he was going to be taken up to heaven without dying. What places did he visit before he went to heaven? What good and what shameful things happened in these places? What do you think was God’s purpose in taking him to these places before he went to heaven?
a. 2v1: Gilgal: Good, Joshua 4v19-23 / Shameful, 1 Samuel 13v7-14
b. 2v2: Bethel: Good, Genesis 28v10-18 / Shameful, 1 Kings 12v28-33
c. 2v4: Jericho: Good, Joshua 5v13 – 6v2 / Shameful, 1 Kings 16v34
d. What are the significant places of your spiritual journey so far and would you like to go back to visit them before you “go to heaven”?
3. How does Elijah continue to serve God on his last day on earth?
a. What is encouraging about the fact that there are now “companies of prophets” at Bethel and Jericho?
b. What would you say to someone who thinks they are too old and frail to be of any use on earth anymore?
4. Look at Elijah’s instructions to Elisha (v2, v4, v6). What, do you think, is Elijah’s purpose in speaking to Elisha like this? How do we know that Elisha passed the test?
5. Unlike Elijah, God’s people today experience physical death. But Jesus Christ has transformed death for his followers. In what way will our departure from this world be similar and dissimilar to Elijah’s? 2 Kings 2v11,12 cp Luke 16v22
6. How will confidence in the future for God’s people change the way we live our lives in this world?
Wednesdays in Dec 2019/ Jan 2020
4th December = Becky Davies – “Bible, Brexit, and Ballot”
11th December = SG Christmas party
18th December = Prayer Meeting for Christian events and evangelism
25th December = No meeting!
1st January = No meeting
8th January = Small Groups Restart
For more information about Small Groups please email us on contact@hookchurch .org.