a 6-week ‘parentalk’ course - the teenage years - postponed to Mar 2019
A free 6-week course on parenting teens covering topics such as:
Understanding your teenager, Communication, Identity, Choices, Letting go.
The course has been postponed, due to Tim’s ill-health. If you are interested, do write to Tim, [Tim@hookchurch.org] and we shall let you know when the course is re-Scheduled: we look to run it on Tuesday evenings Mar.
Venue - Hook Church, Brook Road, Surbiton, KT6 5DB
Please register with Tim at: tim@hookchurch.org, or contact him with any questions.
The schedule
Week 1: - Understanding your teenager
Week 2: - Staying connected
Week 3: - Identity.
Week 4: - Communication and conflict.
Week 5: - Big pressures…good choices.
Week 6: - Letting go..