Small Groups
We meet in Small Groups for fellowship, Prayer and Bible study.
TEXT: Romans 16
DATE: 6th February 2019
Last time we looked at Romans 1v1-17 and saw how Paul introduced himself to the Romans. This week let’s look at Romans 16v1-27 and learn from the greetings he sends to some of the people in the church at Rome.
Read v1-16
1/ What description of ordinary church members particularly strikes you?
2/ What facts do we learn about the life of the church in Rome from the descriptions of these individuals?
3/ With what descriptive phrase would you like to hear your life summed up?
Read v17-20
1/ What two kinds of trouble-makers does Paul warn about in v17,18?
2/ What is Paul’s concern in v19?
3/ How can “crushing” and “peace” go together? (v20)
Read v21-24
1/ What do we know about the individuals who send their greetings in these verses?
Read v25-27
1/ In what ways do these verses move you to praise God?
These questions are a mixture from: Ourselves, Tim Keller, John Stott, Gladys Hunt
For more information about Small Groups please email us on contact@hookchurch .org.